As a child during the depression, I became very sick and my parents said they could not get me to the doctor nearly twenty miles away. One night while I was so sick I saw something in the corner of the room, at the time I did not know what it was, but years later I learned it was a vision. It was dark in the old cabin, and I was laying there with fever, I looked up in the corner of the cabin and a bright light appeared, at the time I did not know what to think, I just knew I was seeing the face of Jesus as it appeared in that light. He took his hands and moved the clouds out of the way and when he did that I was immediately healed. During the time that I was so sick, there was a revival going on in our community, People were praying everywhere and things were happening. God was performing miracles. When I got up the next morning, my parents said there was no longer any reason to take me to the doctor because I was alright, I was beginning to play again. I have never fortten that vision. In September of 1946 I married Pauline Buckner and soon after we were blessed and started a family. Pauline and the childrent went to church long before I did, and Pauline being the Godly woman that she was, always prayed for me that I too would come to know Christ as my personal Savior. In 1958 I did give my life to Christ, and within a matter of months He had called me to preach his Word. In July of 1958 my wife and I organized a prayer meeting in our home in which many people gave their heart to the Lord. Regardless of everything, by October of 1958 we were established as a church under the name of Community Fellowship Pentecost Church. Things began to happen fairly quickly as it soon became very evident that the hand of God was upon this little groub as it began to grow until it became too loarge for our living room. We were able to locate a litte building on the corner of 18th and Geyer that would seat close to a hundred people, the building had been used by another church that had out grown it and we were able to move in and use it. From that time on, so many people were being saved and rededicating their life to Jesus that our congregation outgrew the building within six months, so we began searching for a larger building and found an empty drug store that was located at 12th and Sydney, still in the St. Louis area. Before long it became necessary to move again and find another building that could accomodate our growing congregations.


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As a child during the depression, I became very sick and my parents said they could not get me to the doctor nearly twenty miles away. One night while I was so sick I saw something in the corner of the room, at the time I did not know what it was, but years later I learned it was a vision. It was dark in the old cabin, and I was laying there with fever, I looked up in the corner of the cabin and a bright light appeared, at the time I did not know what to think, I just knew I was seeing the face of Jesus as it appeared in that light. He took his hands and moved the clouds out of the way and when he did that I was immediately healed. During the time that I was so sick, there was a revival going on in our community, People were praying everywhere and things were happening. God was performing miracles. When I got up the next morning, my parents said there was no longer any reason to take me to the doctor because I was alright, I was beginning to play again. I have never fortten that vision. In September of 1946 I married Pauline Buckner and soon after we were blessed and started a family. Pauline and the childrent went to church long before I did, and Pauline being the Godly woman that she was, always prayed for me that I too would come to know Christ as my personal Savior. In 1958 I did give my life to Christ, and within a matter of months He had called me to preach his Word. In July of 1958 my wife and I organized a prayer meeting in our home in which many people gave their heart to the Lord. Regardless of everything, by October of 1958 we were established as a church under the name of Community Fellowship Pentecost Church. Things began to happen fairly quickly as it soon became very evident that the hand of God was upon this little groub as it began to grow until it became too loarge for our living room. We were able to locate a litte building on the corner of 18th and Geyer that would seat close to a hundred people, the building had been used by another church that had out grown it and we were able to move in and use it. From that time on, so many people were being saved and rededicating their life to Jesus that our congregation outgrew the building within six months, so we began searching for a larger building and found an empty drug store that was located at 12th and Sydney, still in the St. Louis area. Before long it became necessary to move again and find another building that could accomodate our growing congregations. God helped us find an old Presbyterian church at 1614 Menard in St. Louis, that would seat over 400 people that we were able to rent. Again, the previous church had outgrown the building and had built a new church building for their congregation. During that first year, and after much prayer we decided to start an organization, so during April of 1959 the Community Fellowship Pentecost Church becam an unincorporated Association of ministers and churches, having adopted the organizational name of Community Fellowship Pentecost Ministers and Churches Association. We had 633 people saved in those first two years, during that time I only had about one revival and some of those that were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost are people that are still pastoring churches and preaching the Gospel around the contry today. In one particular vision people were going in and out ministering. After I got into the evangelistic work, I knew an old preacher in Springfield Missouri, who I went to visit with at his home one day and he told me, I am glad you came along, you are connected with this vision I had. I was just sitting here and GOd was speaking to me about a place where people were going in and out and ministering. THey would go out and minsiter, and then they would come back.” This was a confirmation on the vision that God had given me. So when I came to Doniphan, that is what I started doing myself, and for yours I ministered out, then I would come back in and pastored a church in Doniphan. I did what I call the Bee Theory. I took something out to the people, and I brought something back in. That is how the campground and everything else has been built, by people who took something out and they brought to build the Tabernacle, the Youth Dorm, and everything else that is here. Scripture tells us that without a vision the people perish. In 1960, the Board of Directors of Community Fellowship Pentecostal Minister and Churches Association, decided to hire an attorney to petition the court for us to become a Body Politic and Corporate by the Pro Forma Decree of Incorporation in the State of Missouri. The case was heard on July 1, 1960 by Judge Waldo C. Mayfield and the decree was issued making Community Fellowship Pentecostal Minister and Churches Association a Body Politic and Body Corporate under Chapter 352 of the Missouri Statutes. In 1962, we began to minister revival services in the South central part of Missouri and moved to Winona Missouri and hundreds of souls were being saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. God was moving mightily and blessing our ministry. In 1965 we held a revival at the church in Doniphan, Missouri, where the Camp Grounds are currently located. This time of revival packed the church and the opportunity soon presented itself to purchase the church and the parsonage, which have become the Headquarters of Bible Way Association. After much prayers and confirmation from the Lord, we decided to buy the property. It was also during the year of 1965 that at a meeting of the Board of Directors and the Founders of the Community Fellowship Pentecost Ministers and Churches Association was held in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. During this meeting, it was resolved to move the central location of the organization from St. Louis to Ripley County Missouri. The petittion was made and the dcree issued and recorded on April 29, 1966 by the presiding Judge, Howard R. Maness in the Ripley County Courthouse in Doniphan, Missouri, which placed the Headquarters and central offices of the Association in Doniphan, Missouri. Over the years, at the leading of the Lord, the Association was able to purchase additional properties that it currently owns where the Headquarters and Camp Grounds are loacated. In the early 1970’s, I began the task of building the open air tabernacle that served for the Camp Meetings for over thirty seven (37) years. Much of the labor was accomplished by me personally, but as people began to get into the vision and help, we have been able to build other buildings that we enjoy today. Over the next several years we continued to go out and minister the word and to come in, as the Camp Grounds and the Association continued to grow and develop. During the early part of 1974, the decision was made by the Board of Directors to change the name of the orgaanization from Community Fellowship Pentecostal Ministers and Churches Association to the name which it currently has, Bible Way Association. This decree was issued on May 7, 1974 at the Ripley County Courthouse in Doniphan, Missouri. On June 3, 1992 another petition was filed which would prove to bring the Association to our present standing as an organization, by adding doctrinal authority while maintaining its orginal validity. On July 7, 1992 the decree was issued by Judge Arthur Cope and was filed and recorded on Auguest 3, 1992. Through the years since the beginning vision and efforts Bible Way Association has not only provided valuable coverage for hunderds of churches and ministers, but the power of the ministry and its anointing has influenced and touched literally thousands of sould with the anointing has influenced and touched literally thousands of souls with the anointing of the Gospel. Over time literally hundreds of souls were added to the Kingdom of God during various revivals and meetings. Camp Meetings are always a highlight with souls being saved, healed, delivered, and forever changed as God ministered into their lives. Youth Camp meetings have produced many ministers that are still reaching the lost for Jesus today. The Association has fostered the beginnings of hundreds of churches across the land and in other nations as well as founding many churches through the years. While some have not survived the years, others have prospered and are still minstering to souls in their communities today. The ministry of Bible Way Association has also reached into foreign lands where churches have been established and souls have been saved under this ministry and as a direct result of this anointing and efforts. In September of 1997 we enjoyed our first Family Camp Meeting service in the new Sanctuary. This building was built by the generous offerings and labor of those who got behind the vision of the Camp Grounds. With God’s leading and guidance, we brought Bible Way Association through its final transition in the year 2002, when we petitioned the court again to amend its articles, making the structure even more secure. This decree established the current articles upon which Bible Way Association stand today. In 2003, we were able to open the new Youth Dormitory, which has been a great asset to both the Youth Camp and the Family Camp, and we have been able to continue to improve the building as the needs of thos attending camp meetings have changed over the years. In 2004, Sister Pauline went on to be with the Lord, and I began to wonder and pray as to how I could continue the ministry without my wife, the helpmate that God had given me all those years ago. However, in 2005, God blessed me again with a helpmate that would be strong in the Lord, and a prayer partner that would help me continue my personal ministry and the work of Bible Way Association. Sister Margaret took on the challenge of not only being a ministers’ wife, but the wife of the founder of Bible Way Association. It is because of her dedication to God that we are still able to evangelize and spread the Gospel, not only in Word, but also in song, as we continue to work together to win souls to the Lord. Through the years, there have been many efforts to change one part or another and take the Association in different directions according to the incoming theme of the day. However, I have endeavored to always lead it back to the original vision that God had given to me all those years ago. That vision has always been one that is focused on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. The Gospel that was planted in my heart has not changed through the years to become aligned with the changing tide and seasons, as so many ministries have. It must be recognized, that even as God never changes, so his Word never changes. The message never changes from that which glorifies God rather than man. The true message always glorifies God through Jesus Christ and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. In years past, many faithful supporters and helpers understood the importance of the vision and partnered with the ministry of the Association to build it to what it is today. Many of that generation of givers and supporters have passed unto their reward, but the labors still continue today as new churches, ministers, and congregations pick up the mantle to see God’s will accomplished in these last days.
© 2001-2025 - Bible Way Association
For God so Loved the World, that he          gave His only begotten Son, that                 whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life.
JOHN 3:16
© 2024 Bible Way Association, Doniphan, MO 63935
Bible Way Association